Hey! I'm

Saad Faisal.

Bachelors in Computer Science from University of the Punjab

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My Skills


  • React.js
  • Next.js
  • Redux.js
  • JSX
  • Tailwind CSS
  • Bootstrap
  • HTML5
  • CSS3


  • Node.js
  • Express.js
  • REST
  • JWT
  • MongoDB
  • MySQL
  • Oracle PL/SQL
  • Firebase


  • JavaScript
  • Postman
  • Figma
  • Git
  • GitHub
  • Illustrator

My Experience

Intern - Web Application Developer

Tyro Soft|

August, 2024 - Present

  • Collaborated on OpenEMR and CATS, enhancing system functionality and performance.
  • Worked on multiple client projects, delivering tailored web solutions and optimizing code.
  • Adapted to PHP/Laravel from a MERN Stack, applying best practices in backend development.
  • Gained onsite experience, working closely with senior developers and clients.
  • Enhanced skills in PHP, Laravel, MySQL, and API development, contributing to successful project outcomes.

Fellow - MERN Track

Bytewise Limited|

June, 2024 - August, 2024

  • Selected from over 2,300 applicants to join the Bytewise Fellowship.
  • Focusing on Full Stack MERN Development.
  • Engaging in intensive training and real-world projects to enhance technical and professional skills.
  • Collaborating with industry experts and peers to drive innovation and growth.

Intern - Web Developer

Oasis InfoByte|

August, 2023 - September, 2023

  • Developed and delivered a dynamic MERN stack (Pizza Delivery System) project remotely, showcasing proactive hands-on experience.
  • Created responsive front-end using React and robust back-end with Node.js and MongoDB, contributing to a functional web application.
  • Collaborated remotely with fellow interns, leveraging online tools for effective teamwork and problem-solving.
  • Embraced self-directed learning, enhancing skills in JavaScript, React, Node.js, and MongoDB through practical application.
  • Upheld coding best practices and actively embraced feedback to improve codebase maintainability.
  • Contributed to documentation efforts, creating guides for future understanding of project structure and functionality.

My Projects


Pizza Palette

A MERN stack application for ordering pizza online. It features user authentication, a cart system, and an admin panel for order and product management.

Pizza Palette



Camify WebCam is a dynamic MERN web application that brings your webcam to life. Capture moments, apply artistic filters, and share media with friends and family, elevating your webcam experience to a new level of fun and expression.



Card Genius

CardGenius ID Card Generator is a MERN web app that enables users to generate ID cards based on their personal details.

Card Genius


Todo List

A simple Todo List app built with React, allowing users to create, update, mark as done, and delete todo items.

Todo List


Reactive Meals

A Food Ordering React App for practicing React Hooks, including State, Side Effects, Reducer, and Context. Enjoy ordering your favorite meals!

Reactive Meals

Let's Connect!

Whether you want to collaborate on a project, have a question, or just want to say hi, feel free to reach out!


I'm open to virtual discussions and job opportunities. Book a Virtual Appointment

Feel free to check out my resume: